I admire Jean-Luc Godard and I think it's impossible for anyone making cinema to escape from his influence - Hal Hartley
We're continuing our look at Jean-Luc Godard's influence on modern cinema through some regular culprits (Harmony Korine, Hal Hartley & Leos Carax) as well as lesser-mentioned folks like Chantal Akerman, Seijun Suzuki and even the Farrelly Brothers...
Also make sure to check out the previous entries:
Yeah, it’ [The Girl From Monday]'s a conversation with Alphaville - Hal Hartley (Little White Lies)
Alphaville/The Girl From Monday |
First Name: Carmen / Amateur |
Pierrot Le Fou /
Amateur |
A Married Woman / Amateur |
Godard taught me a sense of freedom - Martin Scorsese (Interveiw Magazine)
Two Or Three Things I know About Her/Taxi Driver |
Made In The USA/
Taxi Driver |
A Married Woman / Who's That Knocking At My Door |
Godard is one of my favourite film-makers. When I was young, I was obsessed by his films, and he’s still a favourite. I probably didn’t understand half of what he wanted to say, but what I did understand touched me, and when I see his films I see the whole, like what you hear when you’re listening to an orchestra - Harmony Korine (Vogue)
Band Of Outsider/
Gummo |
I got a letter from Godard. It was hard to read, it was two lines and had coffee stains, something about passing the baton - Harmony Korine (Index Magazine)
Vivre Sa Vie / Julien Donkey Boy |
I think the only people who really experienced film are people like Jean-Luc Godard, you know? He really experienced the texture - Claire Denis (Filmmaker Magazine)
Vivre Sa Vie / Trouble Every Day |
In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: “It’s not where you take things from—it’s where you take them to - Jim Jarmusch (Movie Maker Magazine)
Pierrot Le Fou / Mystery Train |
I saw Godard’s film, Pierrot Le Fou, and I had the feeling it was art, and that you could express yourself. It was in 1965, and you felt that the times were changing. He was really representing that, and freedom and poetry and another type of love and everything - Chantal Akerman
First Name: Carmen/Family Business |
Les Rendezvous D'Anna |
Passion/Holy Motors |
Breathless/Schizopolis |
Band Of Outsiders/
Tokyo Drifter |
First Name: Carmen/
Kingpin |
Vivre Sa Vie/Faces |
First Name: Carmen/Punch Drunk Love |
A Married Woman / THX 1138 |
A Married Woman / The Perfect Human |
A Marrried Woman / Life Of The Marionettes |