Monday, April 1, 2024


Halloween II / Juice

I know I’m getting carried away but here are some more visual comparisons that didn't make it in to the initial entry (click here to read part one which contains a bunch of homages and speculations)

The cinematographers who have influenced me have been guys who have used color heavily. Jack Cardiff, a British Technicolor cinematographer, his use of color was awesome, even in later films that were minor, like GHOST STORY: a minor entry, [but] the color in it is gorgeous. BLACK NARCISSUS, one of the most beautiful color films ever made - Ernest Dickerson, Millimeter Magazine, June 1990

Black Narcissus / Juice

Black Narcissus / Juice

The more you read about Dickerson the more you learn how influenced he was by both classic directors and cinematographers. Obvious nods from Spielberg to Depalma show up in Juice...

Jaws / Juice

Carrie / Juice

Through the work of Brian Depalma, Dickerson came up admiring the work of Vimos Zsigmond (it was Zsigmond that recommended Dickerson for his ASC cinematography membership)
Blowout / Juice

Dickerson with a (possible) homage to George Romero (Dickerson ended up working under Romero early on in his career)

The Night Of The Living Dead was one of the few films that gave me nightmares - Ernest Dickson, Monsters, Madness and Magic podcast
The Night Of The Living Dead / Juice

The Night Of The Living Dead / Juice

The filmmaker who stuck with me the most and really made me want to become a director was Stanley Kubrick - Ernest Dickerson, Complex
The Shining / Juice

In the previous entry we looked at some of the bigger homages Dickerson makes to City Across The River but there are so many other smaller references that you might miss if you blink...

Another influence was an unknown film from back in the late 1940s called CITY ACROSS THE RIVER, which was an adaptation of a book called The Amboy Dukes - Ernest Dickerson, Flavor Wire
The City Across The River / Juice

The City Across The River / Juice

The City Across The River / Juice

The City Across The River / Juice

The City Across The River / Juice

The City Across The River / Juice

The City Across The River / Juice

The City Across The River / Juice

Much more examples of Dickerson's love for/background in horror movies...

Even when I directed my first film [Juice] there were elements I put in you could consider horror - Ernest Dickerson,

Halloween II / Juice

Friday The 13th Part V / Juice

Friday The 13th Part III / Juice

Friday The 13th Part VII / Juice

Halloween II /

Halloween II /

Halloween II /
The Burning / Juice

Nightmare On Elm Street / Juice

Halloween II /

The Burning / Juice

Nightmare On Elm Street / Juice

To be compared with Scorsese is an honor because he’s a hero of mine - Ernest Dickerson,
Mean Streets / Juice

Goodfellas / Juice


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