Whoever cuts the trailers for Andrea Arnold's films is an artist. They're always perfect. In the last year it seems like a lot more care has been put in to movie trailers ('Carre Blanc', 'Melancholia', 'Drive', 'Heartbeats', 'Bas Fonds', 'I Saw The Devil', etc). I didn't think anything could top 'Tree Of Life', which was apparently SO good that upon its official release a critic actually wrote a review about the TRAILER (the movie wouldn't come out for another few months), but this video below gives it a run for its money. I seriously think I've watched this 20 times. And I'm not even familiar with the story of 'Wuthering Heights' (i know the basic story, but I've never actually read the book or seen any of the movie adaptations). What pisses me off is that I had a chance to see this in Toronto a few weeks back but i didn't wake up on time and missed it! Had i seen the trailer before going to Toronto (at the time there were barely any video clips on the Internet of Wuthering Heights) this would've been one of my top priorities.